About Me

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My name is Rebekah and I ♥ my Lord Jesus Christ. I remember when I got baptized when I was young but couldn't remember when I got saved and that got me wondering if I really was saved.Living in doubt really started to bug me so at camp on July 2nd,2012, the first service on the first night, I reconfirmed my salvation! That Sunday night when I got back, I got re-baptized along with 2 of my friends.

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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mother-daughter- luncheon

Affair of the Heart
                    by Abbey
     Hello it's Abbey here! I'm gonna talk about the mother-daughter luncheon I know that there is about 15-20 people vending there including me, Rebekah, and Katelyn. I will be selling primitive signs, painted rocks, and candles. Rebekah is selling note cards and clay roses. Katelyn is making coloring books. Our friend is making jewelery  her name is Betsy, she's about 16 or 17, she makes good jewelery!!!! Lydia is making something but I'm not sure exactly what she is making. Paige is making clay figures. Courtney is making bed buddies which is basically bean bag but with rice in them and some of them are scented. I got one last year.
Well I think that's it! Be sure to come and check out our stands! BYE!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Have Faith, God Makes No Mistakes

Have Faith, God Makes No Mistakes
                          by Rebekah
    In this article, I'm gonna talk about a person who has a strong faith in God, (to me she does) even in hard times. I have a friend who was going through some hard times. She had terrible pains and would just go and throw up. Well, she had some problems in her diet. If I were in her situation, I would probably be mad at God. This friend had faith in God. She probably knew that He had done it to her for a reason. Right now, she's on a changed diet, but her faith in God is strong. I really admire that, and hope she knows that. :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Story of Easter

The Story of Easter
               by Rebekah and Brittany
           published by Rebekah
   This is an article Brittany and I wrote for the Patriot Post.
     Some people think Easter is about candy and the Easter bunny, but really, it's different! In Matthew 26,27, and 28, it talks about the REAL Easter story, like when Jesus was praying in  the garden of Gethsemane and the soldiers came and arrested Him and took Him before Pontious Pilate. Pontious Pilate asked Him questions and gave the crowd a choice whether they wanted Barrabbus or Jesus, they chose Barrabbus. Then the crowd was chanting: "Crucify Him, Crucify Him!" The soldiers then put a crown of thorns on His head and whipped His back and put a scarlet robe upon Him. Then they took Him to Golgotha and nailed Him to the cross between the two thieves. The people mocked Him and said "If you're the King of Israel, why don't you come down and we will believe you." One of the thieves got saved and Jesus said," I will see you in Heaven." Then Jesus died, and Joseph asked for His body and they placed His body in a tomb, and we call that day Resurection Day, or Easter. That is what Easter is really about. :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


     by Rebekah
    Wow! Today was NYSSMA and it was my first time doing it, I got the highest score you can get! 

Monday, April 25, 2011

A Soldier's Cry

A Soldier's Cry
             by Rebekah
This is a poem I found. It was written by Ellen Bailey.
    Jagged heart,
    Souls plead,
    Voices cry,
    No time to bleed,
    Whispers linger,
    In the night, 
        Death all around,
    Horrible sight,
        Face to face,
    You're just like me,
    Sad to think,
    War has to be,
    Killing fields,
    Battle sweeps,
    End is near,
    Soldiers weep.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Welcome to The Patriot Chronicle

Welcome to the Patriot Chronicle
                             by Katelyn


     by Rebekah B.

 This is the first article of The Patriot Chronicle. This will explain who's helping in The Patriot Chronicle. Let's start with Abigail who we all call Abbey. She is the fashion sense in our group and my 1# helper. Amy is the excitement of our group. She's fun, joyful, a person you would want to be with. Katelyn is the creative one. She's a wonderful (and i mean wonderful) artist, story maker, & animator. Lastly there's me. I'm the one who put together this but not without everyone. Thank you all and Brittany for the inspiration to start The Patriot Chronicle. :)


The Patriot Chronicle

Hello Everyone! I am starting The Patriot Chronicle. This will contain verses, articles, good music, etc. so enjoy!