Hey! Today at my house, the temperature was 102 Degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have 651 views! I know this has nothing to do with the subject but, MRS. TULLOCK is WONDERFUL!!!!!!! I went with once when the teens went soulwinning, and she helped me get the nerve up to do knocking and speak to people. Sunday, I was soo nervous, this girl named Chelsea wanted to know how to get saved and I led her to Christ. I never done that before!!!!! Mrs. Tullock is a WONDERFUL and I mean wonderful influence!
About Me

- Rebekah
- My name is Rebekah and I ♥ my Lord Jesus Christ. I remember when I got baptized when I was young but couldn't remember when I got saved and that got me wondering if I really was saved.Living in doubt really started to bug me so at camp on July 2nd,2012, the first service on the first night, I reconfirmed my salvation! That Sunday night when I got back, I got re-baptized along with 2 of my friends.
Total Page views! God Bless You!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
what shall we talk about???
Let's see...ooh! I know, school is ending soon. I can't wait!!! I'm almost done. All I have left is....about 20 pages left in English (I'm working on 2 at the same time they both have 10 pages left in each) , about 10 pages in math, and three pages left in Literature, ( I'm sure you don't care but I do!!!). Everything is getting done and this summer is going to be great! My birthday is coming up, I'm going to have a little nephew, no school, swimming in our pool, softball at our church, and did I mention NO SCHOOL!!! Did you happen to catch a sight of our "page views" were up to 645!!! This is because of all of you! Thanks to all of you!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day!
Hey! This is Rebekah! Today is Memorial Day! A day of remembering. Last night, there was a Memorial Day Concert. I got to watch it. It was awesome! There was this girl I remembered from Celtic Woman, Hayley Westerna. (not sure if I spelled her name right) They had actors tell about stories from families who lost a loved one. This one girl lost her father when she was 3 months old. A friend of her father's told her all about him. He was 19 when he died. It was wonderful. I LOVE THE MARINES!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I'm done. :)
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Hey! This is Rebekah. Friday and Saturday I made 5 headbands. Besides the back pain, poking arms and hands from pins, and pricking fingers, it was fun. Here are my headbands.
my pink and flower headband.....
my blue and flower headband....
my red and black and white flower headband......
my cute purple headband..............
my patriotic headband!
my pink and flower headband.....
my blue and flower headband....
my red and black and white flower headband......
my cute purple headband..............
my patriotic headband!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Hey! This is Rebekah. I guess it's time for and update. Today I had sewing lessons and I FINALLY finished my tablecloth/blanket. Here's what the whole thing looks like.
This is the whole thing. Red, white and blue! Here's what the middle looks like.
That was a little tricky with the heart. Here's what I used for the trimming.
Don't you just LOVE the red,white,and blue?
~ Rebekah ~
This is the whole thing. Red, white and blue! Here's what the middle looks like.
That was a little tricky with the heart. Here's what I used for the trimming.
Don't you just LOVE the red,white,and blue?
~ Rebekah ~
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
July 3rd
Hi! This is Rebekah. Last night we had music practice. I have my own "music practice" with Abbey. We had a great surprise last night. Amy came!!!! She rarely comes because of school and karate. She came! We only had 3 songs to practice so after we were done, we made up a skit! It is hilarious! I will post it HOPEFULLY after we do it.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Hey! This is Rebekah! School is closing in on us and the beginning of summer vacation for us is busy. (by us I mean everybody) Graduation is coming soon and we have 4 graduates this year. (I think) Jacob Brown, Joe Titus (I think), Joy Tullock, and Elisabeth Senecal are graduating this year. The Teen Choir is singing "Here Am I". On June 17th, the church is going to a Red Wings Game. The high schoolers and some others are going to Albany. Camp is only 43 days away, CAN'T WAIT! My good friend Courtney is coming too! That is gonna be really fun! Well, gtg.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Piano Recital
Hello! This is Rebekah. Last night, I had a piano recital. There were 20 kids and I was the oldest so I HAD to go last. That was nerve wrecking. I knew 8 kids. 3 from NYSSMA and 5 from the home lessons. There were 3 people who played Fur Elise. This boy named Devon, he played Laid Back Ludwig that had Fur Elise, Entertainment, and Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. He played parts of those. Nadia Rothpearl played Fur Elise the shorter version and I played Fur Elise the 4 page-long version. My piano teacher told who did NYSSMA and what they got. Here's what it read.
Nathaniel got an Excellent
Anna got an Excellent
Abbey got an Excellent
Jennifer got an Excellent
Rebekah got an OUSTANDING
Don't know why she put it all in capitals. My friend Jennifer Shields and I hung out there. This little girl named Pierce had her own "dance show". She was twirling around before the recital. How cute! :) Well.... got to go. bye! :)
Nathaniel got an Excellent
Anna got an Excellent
Abbey got an Excellent
Jennifer got an Excellent
Rebekah got an OUSTANDING
Don't know why she put it all in capitals. My friend Jennifer Shields and I hung out there. This little girl named Pierce had her own "dance show". She was twirling around before the recital. How cute! :) Well.... got to go. bye! :)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Hello! This is your patriotic loving editor! Yesterday, I was thinking about my friend Emily Kubik. We kept in contact ever since camp last year. We decided to do friendship necklaces of yin-yang. Here is the pic. I got the white.
Here's how you make it. Take some bakeable clay of clay that hardens, roll it out and take any size cookie cutter. Then take a piece of clay and roll it between you hands until it looks like a skinny piece of clay. After you do that, take the clay and make and S on top of the clay circle. Once you do that, take a knife and cut along it and make a hole for your string to go through. After you bake it or if it hardens, paint on black with a white dot and the other one white with a black dot.Let that dry and then add your string.
Here's how you make it. Take some bakeable clay of clay that hardens, roll it out and take any size cookie cutter. Then take a piece of clay and roll it between you hands until it looks like a skinny piece of clay. After you do that, take the clay and make and S on top of the clay circle. Once you do that, take a knife and cut along it and make a hole for your string to go through. After you bake it or if it hardens, paint on black with a white dot and the other one white with a black dot.Let that dry and then add your string.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Splashfur's Darkness Description
This is Splashfur's Darkness Description by Katelyn.
Don't mind the background lighting. That's from the window. ;)
Don't mind the background lighting. That's from the window. ;)
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
My Mother's Gentle Love
This is Louisa's song for mother's day
I put this on my youtube account so enjoy!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
baby shower!!!!
So Friday night my sister, Gabrielle had her baby shower for her soon to be baby boy. It went well. Her friends hosted and decorated it and Katelyn's mother made the deserts and we played two games. One was that we had to fill in the price of the baby items and the other one was that when we walked in we got a clothes pin and when we had one on we were not allowed to say the word baby and when we heard someone say 'baby' we were allowed to take one clothes pin off the person who said 'baby' so we had a little devotional and we sang a song. (by the way was a very beautiful and calm song) We went home with either m&ms or a candle and who ever won a game got a gift, it was a lot of fun!!!!!!(also we will be having another one at Amy's house for her)
Hey! This is Rebekah. Today is Sunday, the LORD'S day and our pastor is in Pennsylvania for a mission's conference. Today, Bro. Cialini is preaching. YAY! I love his preaching. He puts such emotion in it. Tonight Bro. Krohn is preaching. I heard him preach at camp. He's great! In Sunday School, the Teen Girls HAD to have class with the boys. That was interesting. Amy Foster had a miscarriage so pray for her. The kids really wanted a sibling. Katelyn sang today and the boys HAD to sing so technically Abbey was right. :)
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Our School
Hey! This is Rebekah. I'm retyping Abbey's post because we are experiencing some weird problems with our font.
Hey! It's me Abbey. Just doing another little checkup. (by the way, I was wrong, Katelyn is singing Sunday.) What shall I talk about???? Let's talk about our church-school. Our school is a private school and my sister happens to be the supervisor!!!! We have gym about 1:15 or 1:05 on Mondays and Thursdays. Friday, at 1:15, we have our 5 minute break, then we tear down the room. (which basically means we take down the tables and chairs and set up for Sunday's junior church) We get little booklets to work on which we get from 5-7 subjects and we do about 3-4 pages in each PACE. ( which is what our booklets are called) Then when we finish the PACE, we get the next one. Our PACE'S are an average of 40 pages. One of the reason that they are called PACE'S is that we work at our own pace. An example is that I'm supposed to be in 6th grade but I'm very very very close to 9th grade work so yeah, I love my school. Can you imagine that I have four more long grades of school!!!!!!!!! Rebekah does not go to our school. She used to but now she's home schooled but she uses the same PACE'S we do. Well that's our school!!!~ Abbey
Hey! It's me Abbey. Just doing another little checkup. (by the way, I was wrong, Katelyn is singing Sunday.) What shall I talk about???? Let's talk about our church-school. Our school is a private school and my sister happens to be the supervisor!!!! We have gym about 1:15 or 1:05 on Mondays and Thursdays. Friday, at 1:15, we have our 5 minute break, then we tear down the room. (which basically means we take down the tables and chairs and set up for Sunday's junior church) We get little booklets to work on which we get from 5-7 subjects and we do about 3-4 pages in each PACE. ( which is what our booklets are called) Then when we finish the PACE, we get the next one. Our PACE'S are an average of 40 pages. One of the reason that they are called PACE'S is that we work at our own pace. An example is that I'm supposed to be in 6th grade but I'm very very very close to 9th grade work so yeah, I love my school. Can you imagine that I have four more long grades of school!!!!!!!!! Rebekah does not go to our school. She used to but now she's home schooled but she uses the same PACE'S we do. Well that's our school!!!~ Abbey
Hey! It's Rebekah! Time for an update from me. Today is Saturday and we usually spend the mornings away from GOD. Well this morning, set aside a time to read your BIBLE. I'm going through the book of Revelations. I'm on the 20th Chapter. If you have trouble understanding the Rapture and the Tribulation, go to your library and look for the books "Left Behind". For kids, read "Left Behind <the kids>" They are really good books. I couldn't stop reading them. Today is Teen Soul Winning and I hope we get to knock on doors today. So GOD BLESS!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Teen Camp
HEY! This is Rebekah.
The school year is winding down and summer is coming! On July 4th the Teens are going to CAMP! It's just 7 weeks and 4 days. YAY! It's on my favorite day of the year!
The school year is winding down and summer is coming! On July 4th the Teens are going to CAMP! It's just 7 weeks and 4 days. YAY! It's on my favorite day of the year!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
just a little checkup!!
Hello, this is Abbey I'm gonna talk about junior church. We have a special every Sunday and sing about 3 or 4 songs and learn a lot of things and who sings the specials? Why its Me, Bekah, Amy, Katelyn, Kimmy, and we have the boys group which is Christopher, Conner, Robert, and Daniel. Next Sunday HOPEFULLY the boys are going to sing. The girls group sang last week and the week before that. We have been working on a few more songs we will hopefully be singing "A Mothers Love," "Wonderful Merciful Saviour" (which by the way is a really hard song to sing)and i think that is it. Our piano player is Rebekah! The mother -daughter affair of the heart went wonderfully and we had a blast see ya next time!!!!
Monday, May 9, 2011
by Rebekah
This is a composition I wrote for biology. So I'm gonna write small 'cause it's long.
My career topic is about Nutritionists. A nutritionist is a person who advises on matters of food and nutrition impacts on health. They are recognized health care professionals.
The job duties of a nutritionist involves the review of the nutritional content of an organization's entire menu, educating the food service staff on nutritional concepts, or proposing changes and monitoring compliance with local, state, or federal regulations. Assessing and individual's dietary habits and devising a program that rectifies nutritional deficiencies are also part of a nutritionist's jobs.
a nutritionist could work at hospitals, nursing homes, correctional facilities, or schools that serve meals to a large number of people. They could also work in the food industry.
To be a nutritionist, you must have a 4-year bachelors degree. Food service is one of the programs you can take. Food service courses involve finance, accounting, and institutional management. Dietetics is another program you can take. Dietetic courses include biology, biochemistry, microbiology, and chemistry. Nutrition Science is another program you can take. Courses topics include food and culture, nutritional evaluation, nutritional therapy, and food service delivery. All bachelor's degree programs require completion of general education courses in composition, mathematics, and the humanities or social science.
This career interests me because a friend of mine has a problem with this and is going to become a nutritionist.
by Rebekah
This is a composition I wrote for biology. So I'm gonna write small 'cause it's long.
My career topic is about Nutritionists. A nutritionist is a person who advises on matters of food and nutrition impacts on health. They are recognized health care professionals.
The job duties of a nutritionist involves the review of the nutritional content of an organization's entire menu, educating the food service staff on nutritional concepts, or proposing changes and monitoring compliance with local, state, or federal regulations. Assessing and individual's dietary habits and devising a program that rectifies nutritional deficiencies are also part of a nutritionist's jobs.
a nutritionist could work at hospitals, nursing homes, correctional facilities, or schools that serve meals to a large number of people. They could also work in the food industry.
To be a nutritionist, you must have a 4-year bachelors degree. Food service is one of the programs you can take. Food service courses involve finance, accounting, and institutional management. Dietetics is another program you can take. Dietetic courses include biology, biochemistry, microbiology, and chemistry. Nutrition Science is another program you can take. Courses topics include food and culture, nutritional evaluation, nutritional therapy, and food service delivery. All bachelor's degree programs require completion of general education courses in composition, mathematics, and the humanities or social science.
This career interests me because a friend of mine has a problem with this and is going to become a nutritionist.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Hey! Be sure to check out my new songs at the bottom of the blog. I loooove In Christ Alone and God's Word Changes Lives!
Why Men Don't Work In the Nurseries
Why Men Don't Work In the Nurseries
by Rebekah
Here are some reasons why men don't work in the nurseries.
1. They don't have the patience
2. They can't change a diaper
3. They can't feed a baby right
4. They don't know how to spell a child's name right
5. They can't stand the baby's crying
6. They Lysol the baby
7. They read the sports page to them
8. When the mother comes to pick their child up, they throw the baby around
This is why men don't work in the nurseries.
by Rebekah
Here are some reasons why men don't work in the nurseries.
1. They don't have the patience
2. They can't change a diaper
3. They can't feed a baby right
4. They don't know how to spell a child's name right
5. They can't stand the baby's crying
6. They Lysol the baby
7. They read the sports page to them
8. When the mother comes to pick their child up, they throw the baby around
This is why men don't work in the nurseries.
A Mother's Love
A Mother's Love
by Rebekah
This is a poem I made up.
A Mother's Love
by Rebekah
This is a poem I made up.
A Mother's Love
A mother is there
to love and care.
She knows if we've done wrong.
She teaches the Bible,
She teaches God's song,
"Mother May I" is our game,
where we learn our manners.
Her love is just the same,
so post it on every banner.
Mother, may I fulfill,
the desires of you heart,
So we can never be apart.
Mother's Day
by Rebekah
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Today, Louisa Foster sand "My Mother's Gentle Love". She sang that yesterday at the Affair of The Heart. The same thing happened again as last Sunday! I come into the auditorium and I can't even sit with my friend! Thanks to Luke! Ok, back to the subject. Today's Mother's Day so do something nice for your mother. Give her flowers,cards, or something YOU made. Yes you. To me, Louisa Foster's gift to her mom was her song. So........ HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!
by Rebekah
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Today, Louisa Foster sand "My Mother's Gentle Love". She sang that yesterday at the Affair of The Heart. The same thing happened again as last Sunday! I come into the auditorium and I can't even sit with my friend! Thanks to Luke! Ok, back to the subject. Today's Mother's Day so do something nice for your mother. Give her flowers,cards, or something YOU made. Yes you. To me, Louisa Foster's gift to her mom was her song. So........ HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Affair of the Heart
by Rebekah
Hello! Today was the day of the Mother-daughter-luncheon/ craft fair. The sight was beautiful. There were tables with a white covering, red heart balloons, green and white balloons, butterflies, crafts, etc. Abbey and I had our own stand. I was inventorying for Mrs. Ruthven, Mrs. Geer, Katelyn, Mrs. Miraglia, for the kitchen stuff, and for me. I also helped with the balloon darts and the Teen Choir sang.The Teen Choir sang "A Tender Heart." We all had a hard time with a part but we got it! I had to lead the girls up. Some of them wanted me to sing loud so they can follow. Betsy made beautiful earrings, bracelets, necklaces, Bekah Young made jewelery too. Mrs. Tullock made yummy goodies, Mrs. Charland made goodies too and had picture frames. Abby made candles, signature signs, and rocks. There were a lot of great things. Louisa Foster sang "My Mother's Gentle Love", Mr. Brown, Andrew Young, Steven Foster, and Bro. Cialini sang "Near To The Heart of God", and "Mother's Way of Saying, Honey I Love You". They also did a really funny skit about why guys DON'T work in the nursery. They had to pretend with Abbey's baby dolls. Mr. Brown pretended to change the diaper and wore gloves and an air mask. When Mrs. Charland came, they were throwing the baby around and when they saw her, the baby looked fine. (not, they duct taped the baby X( ) They were giving out prizes and I won a totally cute picture album. Here are some pictures.
Mrs. Ruthven's Dishcloths........
Katelyn's Coloring Books.....
Mrs. Miraglia's Bracelets.......
My Clay Roses........
Katelyn's Sign that kept falling off......
Abbey and her signature signs....
Abby's Rocks.......
Mrs. Ruthven's Dishcloths and Scrub stuff.....
Mrs. Charland's Photo Frames...
The gymn......
Flower Hair Clips.....
Mrs. Foster's Stuff.....
I have some videos but have to figure out a way to put them on. See Ya!
by Rebekah
Hello! Today was the day of the Mother-daughter-luncheon/ craft fair. The sight was beautiful. There were tables with a white covering, red heart balloons, green and white balloons, butterflies, crafts, etc. Abbey and I had our own stand. I was inventorying for Mrs. Ruthven, Mrs. Geer, Katelyn, Mrs. Miraglia, for the kitchen stuff, and for me. I also helped with the balloon darts and the Teen Choir sang.The Teen Choir sang "A Tender Heart." We all had a hard time with a part but we got it! I had to lead the girls up. Some of them wanted me to sing loud so they can follow. Betsy made beautiful earrings, bracelets, necklaces, Bekah Young made jewelery too. Mrs. Tullock made yummy goodies, Mrs. Charland made goodies too and had picture frames. Abby made candles, signature signs, and rocks. There were a lot of great things. Louisa Foster sang "My Mother's Gentle Love", Mr. Brown, Andrew Young, Steven Foster, and Bro. Cialini sang "Near To The Heart of God", and "Mother's Way of Saying, Honey I Love You". They also did a really funny skit about why guys DON'T work in the nursery. They had to pretend with Abbey's baby dolls. Mr. Brown pretended to change the diaper and wore gloves and an air mask. When Mrs. Charland came, they were throwing the baby around and when they saw her, the baby looked fine. (not, they duct taped the baby X( ) They were giving out prizes and I won a totally cute picture album. Here are some pictures.
Mrs. Ruthven's Dishcloths........
Katelyn's Coloring Books.....
Mrs. Miraglia's Bracelets.......
My Clay Roses........
Katelyn's Sign that kept falling off......
Abbey and her signature signs....
Abby's Rocks.......
Mrs. Ruthven's Dishcloths and Scrub stuff.....
Mrs. Charland's Photo Frames...
The gymn......
Flower Hair Clips.....
Mrs. Foster's Stuff.....
I have some videos but have to figure out a way to put them on. See Ya!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Affair of the Heart
by Rebekah
Hello! The mother-daughter-luncheon/ craft fair is drawing closer! Just 2 more days left! Yep, Louisa Foster is singing "My Mother's Gentle Love", the Teen Choir is singing "A Tender Heart", and more!
by Rebekah
Hello! The mother-daughter-luncheon/ craft fair is drawing closer! Just 2 more days left! Yep, Louisa Foster is singing "My Mother's Gentle Love", the Teen Choir is singing "A Tender Heart", and more!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
by Rebekah
BIRTHDAY ELISABETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday Elisabeth!
by Rebekah
BIRTHDAY ELISABETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday Elisabeth!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
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