About Me

- Rebekah
- My name is Rebekah and I ♥ my Lord Jesus Christ. I remember when I got baptized when I was young but couldn't remember when I got saved and that got me wondering if I really was saved.Living in doubt really started to bug me so at camp on July 2nd,2012, the first service on the first night, I reconfirmed my salvation! That Sunday night when I got back, I got re-baptized along with 2 of my friends.
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Monday, June 24, 2013
Ok so I didn't know what to call this post so anywho, camp is in a week! Sad to say, Zac is coming as a counselor. Oh well, I guess the teen guys need more supervision than the girls. :P So I practically packed almost everything except for the things that I still need to use. *sigh* what a pain. The good news is that Bro. Cialini is coming to camp!! Yippee!! Random fact, why is it that once you've finished packing your suitcase, it feels heavy but you know that you packed ONLY the things you need?? That's life for you. The good thing in having a good sized suitcase is that it decreases the amount of stuff you actually have with you in your seat on the bus.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Camera battery charged.....
Music in it's proper place.....
Offertory memorized and engraved in head....
Clothes planned and picked out....
Blanket, sheets, and pillow ready......
Inhalers and medicine ready......
Extras planned.......
Notebook, pens, and pencils ready.....
Cookies just dying to be made.....
Have I forgotten anything???
All I need to do is pack everything!
Camp's drawing near!!!!!!
Music in it's proper place.....
Offertory memorized and engraved in head....
Clothes planned and picked out....
Blanket, sheets, and pillow ready......
Inhalers and medicine ready......
Extras planned.......
Notebook, pens, and pencils ready.....
Cookies just dying to be made.....
Have I forgotten anything???
All I need to do is pack everything!
Camp's drawing near!!!!!!
Friday, June 14, 2013
Well as you can all see by my countdown. there is just 16 days left till camp!! EEKKK!!!!!! My how time flies. Too bad it doesn't go any faster so that us 2015 graduates can graduate!! Anywhoo.... the camp theme this year is No King But King Jesus or something similar. Bro. Charlie Clark will be the special speaker at camp! The teens are singing Nail It To the Cross and I'm playing Be Thou My Vision for one of the offertories.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Ok so last night, I got to see my friend Sophia again!!! Plus, tomorrow night, Brittany is graduating :( Ok so since i really didn't go into detail in my last post about the week, last Tuesday, I had an app. with the specialist for my asthma and had an allergy test done. That was torturous!! I couldn't scratch for 25 minutes and boy were they the loooongest 25 minutes ever! So it looks like I'm allergic to histermine. cats, mice, dogs, grasses, mixed trees and other trees, spring pollen, fall pollen, dust mites, and roaches. Yes, I know, I need to live inside a bubble. My brother Tom flew out to New York and we helped my grandpa move into Ashton Place. Then my parents went away for the night for their anniversary and my brother ordered pizza for us and we stayed up and face timed my sis-in-law. Tom also came to church with us on Sunday and forgot his sunglasses when we left so I found them in the Senecal's row. Tom left on Tuesday sadly. Wed. I was supposed to practice with Mrs. Quance and Mrs. Provoost but it was postponed till next Wednesday. Well, that's all so far!
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