About Me

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My name is Rebekah and I ♥ my Lord Jesus Christ. I remember when I got baptized when I was young but couldn't remember when I got saved and that got me wondering if I really was saved.Living in doubt really started to bug me so at camp on July 2nd,2012, the first service on the first night, I reconfirmed my salvation! That Sunday night when I got back, I got re-baptized along with 2 of my friends.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dont scream, DONT scream, DONT SCREAM!!!!

Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Ok, i screamed. You wanna know why??? At 9 pm tonight, the Bosjes come to NEW YORK!!!! So hard waiting to ser them tomorrow night! Ok, Tuesday, i want you to go by REALLY fast or we could just skip to Wednesday:)


  1. Acually they're still in Chicago, becouse their plane got delayed. They'll be at Aunt Amys around three today.
    Cream Soda :]

    1. Thanks for the info Nabigeta's creamy sodaish friend

    2. No, It's, Nunya. B's Cremy Soadaish friend,
      Nabigeta. :] :] :] [hehe]

    3. Yup but nunya b and cream soda are all one person. :)


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