About Me

My photo
My name is Rebekah and I ♥ my Lord Jesus Christ. I remember when I got baptized when I was young but couldn't remember when I got saved and that got me wondering if I really was saved.Living in doubt really started to bug me so at camp on July 2nd,2012, the first service on the first night, I reconfirmed my salvation! That Sunday night when I got back, I got re-baptized along with 2 of my friends.

Total Page views! God Bless You!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Oh NO!

Hello. This is your very sad and very excited editor. Tomorrow, unfortunately, Anna comes home, BUT fortunately, I go to camp in 5 days!!!!! Hmm... I wonder if I should count today. Well, if not, 4 days!!! I'll be taking lots of pics(if my battery cooperates) of camp and make a patriotic video and post it on the blog. Plus, the Teen Choir will be singing "Press On" for camp. I wonder if it would have been a good idea if we did "Here Am I" because we know that one better. I'm not saying this because I want to play. Even though Hannah keeps saying that we need Betsy. We are doing "Turn The Tide" for July 3rd. Another one of my favorites. The Star-Spangled Banner Skit is coming up so that will be fun.  (HOPEFULLY I'll remember to bring the script to Abbey tonight at Teen Soulwinning) Well, gtg to sewing lessons soon. :(

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I Can't wait!!!!!!

Hello. This is Rebekah. I'm am sooooo excited for camp. It's just 6 days away!!! Hmm.. I wonder if I should count today. If I didn't, it would be 5 days away!!! Oh well. You guys are gonna think me insane  but I already started packing for camp!!! I just couldn't wait. On July 4th, I'm going crazy on that day. Red,White, and Blue, all the way. Those who are going to camp will see. I wish my friend Emily Kubik would come. IDK  if she's coming with us or not. Well, better prepare for a boring ride to camp. BUT! I know I'll have fun!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Products

 Hello! This is Rebekah. As you know, I'll be leaving for camp in a week, so I might not be able to do a lot here until I come back. Well, as you  already know, Abbey and I are selling some stuff from the mother-daughter-luncheon. Stuff we had leftover. I have a vase of clay roses. 

                                          flower note cards and ignore the prices.
                                          Mix of notecards
                                           Animal note cards
                            Character Traits Note cards.
   All of my note cards have 10 in them. Hopefully for camp, I'll take lots of pics and make a video from them. Remember, I do take requests for picture videos.

Monday, June 27, 2011

My products

Hello this is Abbey and still waiting for my sister to have her baby, but we have exciting things coming up like teen camp, softball games, 4th of July Sunday. So I'm going to tell you a little of the products I'm selling. Primitive signs are basically sayings. Here is a list of the sayings on my signs
 2.God Bless America (three blocks)
 3.trust ♥ (there is a heart on it)
 4.laugh everyday
 5.Believe (and a star beside the word Believe)
 6.Welcome (this sign can hang up)
 7. Be Nice Or Leave (this one hangs up too)
 8.Be Nice Or Leave (doesn't hang)
 9.Joy (a star on both sides)
 10.let it snow (a snowflake)
 11.(an american flag)
 12.Dust...A Primative Accent
 13.God Bless America (star)
 14.Merry Christmas (star)
 15.When Mom says no...ask Grandma
 16.Spring is Here (pink flower)
 17.There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for (star w/dots)
 18.Leave everything a little better than you found it (two trees on either side and four flowers being watered by a watering can)
 19.The Gathering Place
ok that is it , but I do orders, and I can do any color you like. I also do signs that aren't primitive at all like name signs. I can make them hanging signs to if you'd like. Please contact me if you would like to purchase any of those products, either in person or email me at arcrafting9799@yahoo.com  Thanks!


Birthday Brittany! Today is Brittany's birthday and she will be turning 16 years old. She will be taking her drivers test and HOPEFULLY she'll pass! I hope she does. Have a WONDERFUL Birthday Brittany!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Follow up From the mother daughter luncheon

Hello! This is Rebekah but I am speaking for both Abbey and myself. We are selling products we had left over from the Mother-daughter-luncheon. We will post pictures of them later. We have  painted rocks, primitive signs, one vase of clay roses, and four packs of note cards. To contact us, please e-mail us at arcrafting9799@yahoo.com
thanks! will have pictures soon!!!
~Rebekah and Abbey~

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Red Wings Game

Hey! I made this video of the Red Wings Game.  I do take requests for making videos. Hope you enjoy it!

Monday, June 20, 2011

A new blog is on!

Hello! This is Rebekah. I have a new blog now and it's called  Teenager Diaries. This will contain stories about my teenager friends and me. The web address is     www.redwhiteblue244.blogspot.com 
 Please visit this tomorrow. I won't be able to post anything on it today. 
   4 days or less till Gabrielle's due date!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Red Wings Game

Hello! This  post is to make up for doing short posts. Last night, HBC went to a Red Wings game. The adults rode in a gray bus and the teens and little kids rode on a big yellow bus. It seems that Mr. Geer found a dead bumble bee and stuck it in my face. Abbey and I sat next to each other on the bus and we were listening to my i-pod. (with full volume on to drown out the others. baaaad idea) Here's some pics. Abbey and I took.  ( mainly Abbey) If you think this is a lot of pictures, I have even more!

                                           Spike and Mitsy

                                           winding up.....
                                          you can see the ball. it's the little white dot
                                           the other ear was all red!

                                           Heritage Baptist Church is famous!

                                          Smile for the camera!
                                          Awww. isn't she cute?
                                           Don't take the camera away
                                           Newspapers anyone?

                                          whos this? answer by commenting. the answer will be given on my next post
                                          wonder who's head is in the bear's
                                          Don't they look 'cool'
                                           I think she was trying to pull out her gum but didn't make it
                                         Look at Courtney's face
                                           She sure seems Cheery!
                                          finally a good picture after 3 tries
                                          Amy seems blury. abbey must have been moving
                                           Joy dancing to the song "Baby" by the Jerk. ( J.B.)
                                          Bad picture
                                            Good picture.
 The baseball that my mom got from the game. I couldn't take anymore pictures because my battery was dying and memory card was full. Oh well, see ya!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Another one

Hey. Lately, I haven't found anything to write about for the blog so I put together some pictures I had of Elisabeth, Joy, Jacob, and Joe. I don't have much of the guys but that's okay. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thank you !!!

Hello! I was looking at the total page views and we have reached 1000! Thanks to you all! With teen camp, the Red Wings Game, the Graduation Picnic, Abbey's soon-to-be nephew being born,and  father's day, we are going to have a lot of new posts. So keep the views coming! THANKS!!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Soft Oatmeal Bread

Hey! Tis me Rebekah! Friday, I made a yummy bread. Mrs. Bosje gave us the recipe and I tried it. Here's what it looks like.
 Here's the recipe:
3c. unbleached flour
1 1/2c. quick oats
2 tsp. salt
2 1/2 tsp. instant active yeast
mix these together then add and mix till moist
1 1/2 c. water
1/4 c. raw honey
1/4 c. olive oil
1 tsp. lemon juice. 
Knead for 5 minutes.
Grease and flour 1 bread pan. Place dough in pans and cover with towel. Let rise until desired height. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes. If still gooey in the middle, add another 5 minutes.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Graduation Class of 2011

Here's a vid of the graduation ceremony that I made.

Graduation Ceremony!

Hey! Tis me, Rebekah. Last night, we had  a graduation ceremony for the class of 2011. As you already know, Elisabeth Joy Senecal, (I think that's her middle name) Joy Marie Tullock, Jacob Isaac Brown, and Joe Robert Titus, ( Not sure about his middle name) graduated. First there was the procession, the graduates were supposed to walk slowly, but instead they walked down fast. Then we sang "To God Be the Glory", and after that, the teen choir sang "Here Am I". Where I was sitting, there was hardly anyone there! Then there were the rewards to hand out and the diplomas for the graduates. Here are some pictures.
                                          Does she look nervous?
                                          Hmm... I wonder why it wasn't a close up view of her.
                                           He looks serious.
                                          To me,  he almost looks like he's about to cry.
                                          That's our teen choir singing, Joy forgot her book so it was really nice of Brittany to share.
                                          Our teen choir singing
                                           those who completed a year's work
                                           B honor roll

                                           The servants heart
                                          "Keep Running On"
                                          The most beautiful graduates from the Home school
                                           The graduates from the Christian School
                                           wow, doesn't Elisabeth look happy? :)
                                          Joy's picture board
                                           Elisabeth's picture board
                        Jacob's picture board.
I didn't take a picture of Joe's 'cause my battery died. Oh well.  Have a nice day!