Hello this is Abbey and still waiting for my sister to have her baby, but we have exciting things coming up like teen camp, softball games, 4th of July Sunday. So I'm going to tell you a little of the products I'm selling. Primitive signs are basically sayings. Here is a list of the sayings on my signs
2.God Bless America (three blocks)
3.trust ♥ (there is a heart on it)
4.laugh everyday
5.Believe (and a star beside the word Believe)
6.Welcome (this sign can hang up)
7. Be Nice Or Leave (this one hangs up too)
8.Be Nice Or Leave (doesn't hang)
9.Joy (a star on both sides)
10.let it snow (a snowflake)
11.(an american flag)
12.Dust...A Primative Accent
13.God Bless America (star)
14.Merry Christmas (star)
15.When Mom says no...ask Grandma
16.Spring is Here (pink flower)
17.There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for (star w/dots)
18.Leave everything a little better than you found it (two trees on either side and four flowers being watered by a watering can)
19.The Gathering Place
ok that is it , but I do orders, and I can do any color you like. I also do signs that aren't primitive at all like name signs. I can make them hanging signs to if you'd like. Please contact me if you would like to purchase any of those products, either in person or email me at arcrafting9799@yahoo.com Thanks!
About Me

- Rebekah
- My name is Rebekah and I ♥ my Lord Jesus Christ. I remember when I got baptized when I was young but couldn't remember when I got saved and that got me wondering if I really was saved.Living in doubt really started to bug me so at camp on July 2nd,2012, the first service on the first night, I reconfirmed my salvation! That Sunday night when I got back, I got re-baptized along with 2 of my friends.
uhh aren't there numbers at the end of the emil address???