About Me

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My name is Rebekah and I ♥ my Lord Jesus Christ. I remember when I got baptized when I was young but couldn't remember when I got saved and that got me wondering if I really was saved.Living in doubt really started to bug me so at camp on July 2nd,2012, the first service on the first night, I reconfirmed my salvation! That Sunday night when I got back, I got re-baptized along with 2 of my friends.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

The Person of the Week Is…………………(#3)

My friend Elisabeth! She graduated from school last year in June and now works at her father's business. She works in the Toddlers class and sings in the adult choir. She also is a superb flutist. Not to mention a good sense of humor. Who knows when she'll pop out in front of you with a wooden board ready to strike.;)


  1. Haha... Yes, everyone beware of me and my board!

  2. Anymore victims to your board? Lol that was pretty funny.


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